2 years ago

We kill time. We save time, We rob and get robbed of time, We lose time and we have all the time in the World.

But no one in life is powerful enough to stop the march of time or slow it down.

Time could be wasted, spent or invested.

The count of time shows that in 1 day is 24hrs, 30-31 days in a Month, 12months makes 1yr, while the count of days in a year is probably 365 or 366days.

The day breaks every day, sundown follows and its imminent

To become a wise time manager is good as mastering a sorcery, but the results are worth the efforts.

Bring the master of your time means getting more things done within a circle of time, staying energized to do more things you enjoy doing.

Therefore, get inspired and always do away with time wasting agents such as,

-Laziness.   -Procrastination   -Complaint    -Perfectionist.

-Distractions    - Misuse of Social Mediums.  -Failure to draw a to do list for

the day.    -Discouragement.

However, better "invest!" more time than being wasted.